APA (edition "APA 6") Psychology and Education

Barbara Fredrickson

Research Paper:

The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to research, in depth, one of several key figures in the field. Upon completion of this research assignment, you will be expected to hand in paper in APA format. The specific requirements are as follows:

Paper Length: 5-6 pages (not counting the title page or work cited) The purpose of this assignment is to give you a unique opportunity to research, in depth, one of several key figures in psychology. 

What should be included in your assignment…….Who was he/she? What was his/her psychological perspective? What was his/her major contributions to the field? How significant was/are the contributions? What are his/her key experiments or theories? What are your personal views of the individual? (This question is only for presentation, not paper)

SOURCES: You are required to use at least 4 different sources for your paper. Of these 4 sources at least 2 must be book sources. This means you must go to a library or bookstore and do some legwork. You can use as many sources over 4 as you want, just again to repeat, two must be book sources.

I DO NOT want to see the textbook used as a primary source; you may use it as a 5th source if you choose but DOES NOT count as one of the required book sources. Also, WIKIPEDIA is NOT to be  used as a source PERIOD.

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