English and Literature MLA

Your stance on Wiesenthals dilemma compared to three respondents

Grading criteria:

Timely completion — you must submit your essay before 5:35 pm on Thursday, 12/3. You need to write this essay during our Zoom meeting on 12/3, starting from 3:30 pm.
Academic essay — your essay shows a clear academic essay structure: introduction, body, and conclusion.
MLA format — your essay shows accurate and complete formatting based on MLA, including a works cited page.
Quality of Response — your essay addresses all three items listed on the task description under “Assignment.”
THiNK — chapter 9: your essay aligns well with the concepts and terms from this chapter.
Clarity and Depth of Reflection: your essay shows college-level clarity and depth of reflection, and it captures the multiple authors’ viewpoints accurately (3 correspondents from the book). Your essay also shows apt transitions between paragraphs, ideas, and connections.
Evidence for supporting your argument — your essay shows at least three different integrations of quotes from the book, done accurately using MLA style.

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