1. The essay must be typed, using: Arial 11pt. font (12 pt. for headings) 1.5 spacing blocked (justified) layout (excluding the Economics

Instructions This assignment builds on the skills developed in writing the Introduction of the academic essay. It aims to assist you in developing your writing skills by setting you the task of producing a well-structured academic essay in which you prese

This assignment builds on the skills developed in writing the Introduction of the academic essay. It aims to assist you in developing your writing skills by setting you the task of producing a well-structured academic essay in which you present a coherent argument. This is something which may be required in your discipline-specific subjects and is an excellent way to develop higher order thinking. It requires refinement of your writing skills by applying the knowledge of academic writing principles gained in the online lessons and activities.

Assignment in a nutshell
You have to write an argumentative academic essay of 500 to 600 words on the topic, “Paradigm Shifts in Academic Disciplines”. The essay must comply with all the requirements of a well-written academic text. You must use information from at least three academic sources to support your argument (your one prescribed source, plus at least two more).
TAKE NOTE: Wikipedia, Investopedia and everything else you find on a normal Google search of keywords, are not academic sources. Academic sources come from a university library, or from Google Scholar

See the attached documents for further instructions on this assignment, as well as the marking scheme for the assignment (also available in the ‘Writing assignments’ folder under Resources).

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