MLA Psychology and Education

The Evolution of Love in Humans

The paper is to be double-spaced, Times New Roman font, and be 3-5 pages, which is 950-1600 words. Suggestions for critical thinking paper:

1. Read the article thoroughly while identifying authors position(s) and supporting points. It may take a couple of reads to understand the article/book chapter.

    a. Read additional articles if necessary, to understand original article thoroughlyb. Google and PsychInfo are your friends. Search them for any concepts mentioned in the paper that are unclear to you.

2. Identify the theory written about by the authors

    a. State clearly and succinctly in your own words what the theory is about (one sentence)

3. Explain what the theory is according the author (1-2 pages)

4. Write about the authors arguments for why their theory is true. This will mostly be in the form of research findings that back up the authors original positions (2-3 pages) a. Write about any psychological research that backs up the authors theory

In your paper, focus on explaining the meaning of the following quote from the chapter, love is an adaption, or more accurately a complex suite of adaptations, designed to solve specific problems of survival and reproduction p. 42. This means that throughout our human ancestors history, love has been a social structure to facilitate reproduction. Evolutionary theory of love is all about how our relationships are influenced by our desire to reproduce successfully. For example, Buss argues that we have developed jealousy as an adaption in order to ensure that, for men, their offspring is theirs and, for women, that they have a man to provide food and shelter for raising offspring. Attraction is another adaption that is of interest to Buss.

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