APA (edition "APA 6") Social Sciences


1. Carefully read the articles that focus on different populations affected by PTSD.

2. Also be sure to cite and include information from the DSM 5 and Hooley text.
These two texts should inform your discussion in addition to the articles. If you mention something from one of these texts, cite it within the text in APA format.

3. In a well-written, scholarly commentary of at least 6 paragraphs, please summarize the diagnostic criteria for PTSD in general as well as the unique issues that affect the different groups that are at high risk for PTSD that are mentioned in the articles (i.e. gang members, veterans, etc). Be sure to mention at least 3 of the articles in some depth.
You need to SUMMARIZE the diagnostic criteria for PTSD in general but then discuss unique issues that are specific to different high-risk groups. You can briefly mention issues for specific groups and then either compare and contrast between groups or go into more depth regarding one specific group. (refer to point #4) All of the readings should inform your discussion. However, you need to be sure to mention specifically
at least 3 of the articles in your discussion.

4. It is important to highlight both commonalities among most individuals diagnosed with PTSD as well as particular factors and concerns that are unique to various high risk groups. You may go into depth on one high risk population or take a broader approach comparing and contrasting risk factors among different high risk groups.
As mentioned in point #3, you can compare and contrast the groups or highlight one group in more depth. If you highlight one group, you will still need to mention how that group’s experience is unique, which means you may need to briefly mention other groups). For example, if you have particular interest in the article(s) discussing PTSD and veterans, you might mention a factor or concern and then mention how
that is different from the experience of gang members. Or, perhaps you find some similarities. You would not need to then go into great depth regarding the PTSD experience of gang members, just mention it as a point of reference if you are highlighting veterans as your focus. If, on the other hand, you choose to more
broadly compare and contrast the various groups, you would more briefly discuss the similarities and differences between them.

5. Be sure to mention the importance of biological, social and psychological factors that affect each at risk population. This just means that whether you decide to focus more in depth on one particular group, or if you speak more broadly about all groups, comparing and contrasting them, you need to mention how biological, social and psychological factors play a role. You would discuss this in more depth if you choose to focus on
one population. You would discuss this more briefly for each population if you choose to more broadly compare and contrast the groups.

6. Please be sure to cite each article or text you mention. You are to use in-text citations in APA format after referencing an article or text. No works cited page for this reason.

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