MLA Social Sciences

Moonlight and Magnolias: The Cavalier Tradition and the Lost Cause

What are your thoughts on the material covered below?
How do you explain the gap between historical reality and the myth of the Lost Cause?
And what impact has this Lost Cause myth had on the South and America?

**Sons of Confederate Veterans
**Moonlight and Magnolias: A History of Southern Plantations
**The Confederate Flag and the Lost Cause
**The Historical Record
**Mitch Landrieu Addresses Removal of Confederate Statues
**Gone With The Wind

** Add another reference of your choice

Cobb, James C. 2007. Away Down South: A History of Southern Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Frank, Andrew K., and Malcolm Swanston. 1999. The Routledge Historical Atlas of the American South. New York: Routledge.

Harvey, Paul. 2016.  Christianity and Race in the American South. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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