APA Business and Management

history of communication

Please discuss a “rhyme” you have found through the history of communication as related to social problem solving or policy making.  You’ll need to discuss a historical communication and something contemporary that is similar.  You may use any communication medium that you would like. 

Some examples of ideas are listed below, but feel free to chose any topic you would like as long as it is relevant and classroom appropriate.

(1) Photography –  compare a famous war photo from history to a war photo going viral on social media today and compare the impact they both had on support for the war. 

(2) Public speaking – compare famous historical speaker (e.g. Frederick Douglass) to a famous speaker of today and the way that they influenced voters. 

(3) Newspaper – compare an old article that covers the same or a similar social or political topic that a current newspaper also covers.

    (A) Compare a newspaper article about the Loving vs Virginia Supreme Court case and with a contemporary newspaper about marriage equality.
    (B) Compare media coverage of previous viral outbreaks the with the current media coverage of coronavirus
    (C)  Examine an article about the radio monopoly and compared it to the current debate about the loss of net neutrality.

(4) Movies – compare an old movie to a new one with the same underlying message or theme  for social or policy reform.

(5) Advertising –  examine old cigarette ads that targeted children and discuss current advertisements that use similar strategies.

The possibilities are endless, so please choose something you are interested in!

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