Economics Not applicable

Any topic (writer’s choice)

These papers should be treated like term papers: typewritten, double-spaced, one inch margins. The top of each paper should have your name, course number, meeting schedule (i.e., Monday and Thursday), time of meeting, CRN, and the title of the paper.
We will do what we can with the things I have posted on “ereserves.” The url for our page is: The password is histofcap.

Your assignment is to read carefully the Painter book as assigned in the syllabus for March 9, 12, and 16. Read Painter in conjunction with the “Readers’ Guides” I have posted for each of the five parts of Mediaeval Society. After you have read the book, write an essay of 100 words or less (certainly not more) explaining the “stupendous achievement” of the late medieval period and in what ways things were better in 1300 A.D. than in 1000 A.D.

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