MLA Religion / Theology


This essay involves responding to the following two primary texts: Benedict XVI on the Identity of Humanity and The Second Vatican Council on Human Nature. These texts (assignment readings) are attached.

Read the two assigned texts.  In response, write a 600-word essay in which you do the following:

1) Briefly state the main idea of each reading (What is the authors argument/main point/thesis?)
2) Briefly describe any points of agreement or disagreement (Do the authors agree or disagree? How so?)
3) Evaluate and take a position on the readings (Do you agree with one author over the other? Why/why not? What is your own position in relation to the readings?)

a)  Formatting: When writing the essay, please double-space and use 12-point font with 1 inch margins all around. Formatting essays must follow a recognized standard format (e.g. MLA, APA).
b)  Citations: All materials taken from these texts must be properly cited by using footnotes or parenthetical styles. Even when you paraphrase, you must cite sources.
c)      Add a Works Cited page with the following source:
McGrath, Alister E., ed. The Christian Theology Reader. 4th edition, Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Print

If you have trouble accessing the text please let me know


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