English and Literature Not applicable

bad science flyer

    This task is about making the most of the visual medium of a flyer to refute and warn against an example of bad science related to food or medicine. Imagine you are producing it to distribute around the university as a public information sheet. You should try to persuade the reader based on evidence, making reference to reliable scientific research.


1. Choose your topic (placebos are useless)
2. research both the doubtful claims made and what reliable science says.
3. You should say / show how the bad science is wrong / unhelpful / harmful.
4. it should be A4 size (just using one side)
5. You can use news items as sources but you should include at least one academic journal article amongst your sources. (IMPORTANT)
6. References should be included in a list at the bottom.


-A headline: like a news article, a flyer needs an attention-grabbing headline.
-A brief explanation of what the bad science claims
-Your refutation of it. You can use bullets, numbered points or short paragraphs / text boxes
-Not too much text approx. 270 words including references
-You can use diagrams, photos, charts, graphs, etc. if appropriate.

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