Software Engineering Undergraduate

computer science

Im attaching different separate sheets of info that should be all you need. For an assignment I need you to come up with a good introduction that will have “Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations – list and define all of these that appear
in documentation, References – include references for anything that is trademarked or copyrighted here (e.g., game instructions, algorithms such as the LZW compression algorithm for images, etc.)”.

I need a general description section which would include” Product perspective – give a little background about why the software is being built and why it will be useful; one good paragraph will do, Product functions – describe fundamentally what the software will do; again, one good paragraph will suffice, and you do not need to go in depth (the specific requirements section will cover the in-depth functions, User characteristics – describe who the end users will be,  General constraints – describe the general limitations of your software (e.g., system limitations, does not work over a network, etc.), and  Assumptions and dependencies – examples of these would be: assumes end user
has QuickTime installed; requires Visual Basic runtime to be installed on end users

I basically came up with an idea for a game to create because that’s the assignment but I need help deciding on all what should be done and how it should be made. You don’t have to actually create it but come up with some good stuff for the sections mentioned above and write it out neatly and in a presentiful way that would be acceptable for a teacher.

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