APA Health Care and Life Sciences

Health Policy

Develop a concise, clear and reliable policy brief on the topic of:

Using a gender-based analysis to address sexualized violence on university campuses

BN should be maximum TWO PAGES. Broadly cover the following points:

1. Use current evidence to explain the basics of the policy issue to stakeholder(s).
2. What is this policy area all about?
3. What are the stakes in this policy area for the stakeholder(s)?
4. What are the main policy choices for the stakeholder(s)? Sketch out at least two different policy options for the stakeholder(s).
5. Which policy position do you believe the stakeholder(s) should take and why? 6. Support your position with current and reliable facts and data.

SPECIAL NOTE ON SOURCES: Make sure your BN reflects evidence and that you tell your stakeholder(s) where the evidence came from by including superscript references in the text of the BN and a matching numerical reference list at the end of your BN. Use at least ten current (i.e., in last 5 years) sources, of which at least five must be recent scholarly (i.e., academic journal article, recent textbook) sources.

Briefing note overview video:

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