In-text citation with only author's last name and the page number. ex: (Smith, 100). Religion / Theology

theology integration paper

Based on the articles provided, write a theological integration essay.
4 different articles are uploaded.

Please look at good sample papers that are uploaded. Disregard the footnote on paper.
Use simple language. No redundancies.

The essay needs to be clear, focused expositions about a doctrine in dialogue with the required readings from the course. While it is expected that the essays will be personal, present biographical details only briefly, to situate your beliefs in a context. Think of it like being asked, What do you believe about Scripture? and then only having 3-4 minutes to respond.

The task is:
1. to make an argument about a doctrine . . .
    what is my particular stand on this question?
    what is at stake for me in this question? In other words, why does it matter?

2. in dialogue with the assigned readings . . .
    Which readings do I agree with, and why?
    Which readings do I disagree with, and why?
    Cite the readings parenthetically, for example, (Smith, 29). Use at least 2 of the required readings in your essay. You may use more than 2 readings.

3. aiming for depth over breadth.
Do not offer a summary of the readings, nor an extended personal narrative about an event or circumstances in your life. The goal here is to take a stand on the issues at stake in the development of a doctrine, and then to argue in agreement or disagreement with the readings to articulate what YOU believe about the topic. Avoid long quotations, since the essays are so short.

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