APA Computer Science

Normalization and ER diagrams

The answer to this question should be completed in Draw.io and submitted for grading.
How to use Draw.io

1.    (40 points) With the information provided below, create a normalized ER diagram (third normal form) in draw.io for the entities in the Academic Database (School Management System). Add in the data relationship lines between entities.
For your convenience, here is a summary of how the Academic Database (School Management System) works:
o    A School/University has many Departments which offer courses to students in a given academic session.
o    Each of these courses is taught by a faculty.
o    Students enroll for different courses in an academic session.
o    Besides the registration details, the parent information of the student also needs to be maintained by the University/School.
o    The Department maintains the students attendance details which would decide the eligibility of the student to take up the exams for that academic session.
o    For each academic session, exams are conducted, and the results are shared with the student within a stipulated period.
o    The Department also maintains a log of the Faculty login and logout time for their reporting needs.

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