APA Mathematics and Statistics

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The first question is opinion based so that you can begin the discussion immediately. You must apply your assigned readings to subsequent questions.

First, lets start with some questions based on your opinion:

1. Have you ever been curious about a health-related issue? For example, why is obesity an epidemic in the United States? If so, please share, in the form of a question, what you have been curious about. What methods can you undertake to find the answer to your question? Do you find research to be a practical thing or strictly academic? Justify your response.

Now lets apply what youve learned in this module:

2. Use the Excelsior Library to find two different articles, one scholarly article and one popular article related to the same topic. (Example: obesity among children)
List the full APA citation for each article and a link for each article.

3. Why did you classify each article the way you did?
Give examples from your articles that helped you determine whether they were scholarly or popular articles.

4. Which article would be most useful to you if you were writing a paper on this topic? Why?

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