APA Psychology and Education


The goal of the Session Long Project is to reflect on your role as a current, or future, leader of an inclusive higher education program or service. Each SLP will require you to develop a component of the Session Long Project and you will submit a complete project in Module 4.

The components are outlined below:

SLP 1: Practitioner Self Reflection
SLP 2: Identify a special population and discuss current resources
SLP 3: Assess current services for this special population
SLP 4: Develop an action plan to improve services

Read the following book chapter:

Chapter 3 Evolution of a Moral and Caring Professional (p. 32 40)
Kline, K. A. (2013). Reflection in Action: A Guidebook for Student Affairs Professionals and Teaching Faculty. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Write a 2-page paper that includes the following components:

Respond to the following questions from the text:
Are you ready to reflect on and discuss issues of ethics, moral development, moral reasoning, care, the ethic of care, social justice, and social agency?
If not, how can you challenge yourself (or request others to challenge you) toward further development?
How do your responses shape your ability to lead inclusive programs, services, and practices at your campus?
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your work should be written with the following points in mind.

This paper should be at least 2 pages, not counting the title page and reference page.
A clear introduction that orients a reader to the essay main content, and the main points discussed should be provided.
A well-developed, well-balanced essay body that develops each point in its own paragraph should be included.
A concise conclusion that summarizes the whole essay should also be included.
Include at least three references. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it must be enclosed in quotes.
The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section. Follow the APA Style format; see www.apa.org.
At least one in-text citation must be provided for each reference.
A reference page which follows APA requirements should be included.
The essay should be organized in a clear and coherent manner.
The paper should be double spaced with font size of 12.
Your writing should:
Be clear, logical, and precise
Have breadth and depth
Show critical thinking skills

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