
Discussion questions.

Discussion questions.

Paper details:
The questions posted are discussion questions. Their answers should be a short paragraph not long as they are discussion questions. Please answer them separately. Q1: You are moving to a new community and need to decide whether you are going to buy a residence or to rent one. This is a complicated choice since several factors are involved,including the effects of this choice on your income taxes, what your expected residency period in the community is likely to be, and so forth. Pick one factor and briefly discuss it and its effects on your choice. Q2: You have decided to purchase a particular residence and to finance part of this purchase with a mortgage. The purchase price of the property is $150,000 and you have $30,000 in other available funds. You need to choose a mortgage strategy. Like choosing to rent or to buy, this is a complicated decision where you have to choose a loan/value ratio (which is a decision with multiple aspects itself), a mortgage term, whether you use a fixed rate mortgage or an ARM, and so forth. Pick one factor and briefly discuss it and its effects on your choice. Note: if you pick loan/value, you can discuss a single aspect of that part of the decision. Q3: You are thinking about investing in real estate and are considering the factors that might affect the prices of real estate parcels. Pick one factor that affects these prices and briefly discuss it and its potential effect on your choice to invest or not. The factor can be one that affects demand or supply of real estate. Q4: In investing in real estate, you have the choice of investing indirectly or directly. Indirect investments include REITs and mortgage backed securities, while direct investments are purchases of individual real estate parcels by yourself or as part of a group of investors. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages. Pick one advantage or disadvantage of direct versus indirect investment and briefly discuss it. REMEMBER IT HAS TO BE SHORT ANSWERS. A COUPLE PARAGRAPHS WOULD BE GREAT. NO SOURCES NEEDED. JUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS.