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WMST 200 Final Exam

Exam instructions:
Concerning logistics (how to take the exam, troubleshooting, how to turn it in, etc.):
• If you have any problems with this exam, please contact me directly through email ([email protected]) or page in LEO. I will be checking both frequently during the exam period. Please do not wait until the last minute to contact me; I will not extend the deadline beyond the exam window.
• This exam was designed to be completed in no more than three hours.
• Please type your answers directly into the exam form.
• This exam is open book. However, it is to be completed individually. Each student should do his/her own work on this exam, not work in collaboration with other students.
• Save frequently! I can’t emphasize this enough. This exam must be submitted within the deadline for full credit, and by the end of the term (only a few hours after the deadline) for partial credit. Don’t let a power failure or computer problem ruin your score!
• Before you submit your exam, please check to see that you have answered all of the questions required, and maintain a saved copy of your exam.
• Important: do not delete or alter the text of any of the questions. If a section offers you a choice of questions, just leave the ones you don’t answer blank. The penalty for altering any portion of the exam is 50% off your original score in that section.
• The exam should be submitted to Assignments Folder by 5pm on Sunday, July 12. Late exams will be assessed a 10% penalty PER HOUR late up to 50% off your original score. No exams will be accepted after the end of the term, 11:59pm Sunday, July 12.
• Please remember to sign the Honor Pledge at the very end of the exam.

Concerning exam content and questions (includes tips for writing your answers):
• If you have been keeping up with the course work, it should take you no more than three hours to complete the exam. Please read the suggested length given for the answers in each section. Some sections are very short answer, some are medium length, and the final section is a long(er) essay. If you follow these length guidelines, you should be able to finish the exam is three hours or less.
• Partial credit will be given where applicable in all sections for all questions.
• It is always a good idea to include specific details in your answer. Consider including facts, figures, or specific examples of people, events, laws, readings, etc. to support your answer. Answers that provide such support are the most likely to receive full credit.
• Pay close attention to sections which ask you to choose only some of the given items to answer. If you choose more than the number required, I will only grade the first ones you have answered. It will also be difficult to complete the exam in the allotted time if you try to answer more than the required number of questions!