
Discuss, investigate, and research

Discuss, investigate, and research

Project description
Complete the assigned readings for this week and review Team Evaluation Form and Responsibilities of a Team Leader in Materials below.

2. Discuss, investigate, and research the following with your teammates:

Explain what/how situational variables affect task motivated and relationship-motivated leaders. Apply these factors to a work situation in which each team member was involved as a worker or a leader. Afterwards, choose one and report on which of the three factors had the greatest impact on the situation and why. What category does this situation fall into? How will the information and experience gained from this exercise assist you in the workplace?

3. In a Microsoft Word document, prepare a five page executive summary report. The report should include a title page with all of the team members listed, as well as the following: a) a duplicate copy of the question(s) or issue(s) to be addressed, b) the team’s findings concerning each issue(s), c) an analysis of the issue(s) indicating their relevance to leadership in today’s business environment, and d) the team’s opinion as to how the information gained from the issue(s) can be used in their workplace. The team may also include additional information that it considers relevant.
I need two pages on: Explain what/how situational variables affect task motivated and relationship-motivated leaders.


Although several approaches to leadership could be called contingency

theories, the most widely recognized is Fiedler’s (1964-, 1967; lil‘icdler 85

Garcia, 1987). contiiigencytheory is a lecidezzlngtch“theory (Fiedlcr & :gg-g

Cherners, 1974), which means ittriesto match leaders to appropriate situ-

ations, I.t_i.s_ga_ll_ed contingency because it suggeststl’iat7aleacletiS_,effective-

ness depends‘on how well the leaderfs style fits the context. onnderstand

the Berforinanc.e_,of leaders, it is essential to understand the situations in

which they lead. Effective leadership is contingent on matching a leader’s

style to the right setting.



Frcdler developed contingency theory by stuchang the styles of many dif- . é;

ferent leaders who worked in different contexts, primarily military organiza-

tions. i-ie assessed leaders’ styles, the situations in which they worked, and l
whether they were effective. After analyzing the styles of hundreds of leaders 3;

who were both good and had, Fiedler and his colleagues were able to make ‘ l.

empirically grounded generalizations about which styles of leadership were 21-3.;

best and which styles were worst for a given organizational context.

In short, contingency theory is concerned with 30498 and situations. it i

provides the framework for effectively matching the leader and the situation. L?

V Leadership Styles ;j§ ffL‘:

Within the framework of contingency theory, leadership styles are

Clcscrihed as task motivated or relationship motivated. Taslen’iotirated leaders