
Database Design and Data Modeling Unit 2

Database Design and Data Modeling Unit 2

Outcomes addressed in this activity:
Course Outcomes:
IT525-2: Use data modeling concepts.
IT525-3: Use entity-relation diagrams in the design of a database.
Project Instructions:
Question 1. Definitions
Define each of the following terms (1 pt. each). In addition, provide an example of each term (2 pts. each).
a.    Business Rule
b.    Entity Set (Entity Type)
c.    Entity Instance
d.    Attribute
e.    Relationship
f.    Connectivity
g.    Cardinality Constraint
h.    Primary Key
i.    Foreign Key.
j.    Associative Entity
Question 2. Business Rules
Please use this four-row format when writing your connectivity-determining business rules.
Figure 1. Publisher Database

Explanation of each row in the 4-row format:
(1) Write the entity pair. Underline and/or bold.
(2) Give one business rule. Indicate the multiplicity of that rule in parentheses.
(3) Give the other business rule. Indicate the multiplicity of that rule in parentheses.
(4) Give the connectivity. (If the connectivity is M:N, give the associative entity name.)
Following is an example of the required four-row format for business rules for a binary relationship for this Assignment.
Publisher – Book
ONE Publisher may publish MANY Books [M]
ONE Book has ONE Publisher [1]
Publisher 1:M Book.
Complete the same 4-row format for the remaining relationships in the ERD illustrated in Figure 1.
The Unit 2 Enrichment Seminar will have more information about writing these rules and for determining, in a one-to-many relationship, which is the “1” entity type and which is the “M” entity type.
Be sure the connectivity row (row 4) for each 1:M relationship has the correct direction. The rule with the multiplicity “many” will determine the direction. For example, if the rule is: “ONE Publisher may publish MANY Books”, then Publisher is the “1” table and Book is the “M” table, so you would write the connectivity as: Publisher 1:M Books.
Use the four-row format to write the business rules and connectivity for each of the four binary relationships other than Publisher-Book in the enterprise data model pictured above in Figure 1.
Question 3 Primary Key/Foreign Key Placement
The primary key (PK) of a table is often named after the table. Example: ISBN-13 is chosen as the name of the primary key for the Book table; PublisherID is the PK of the Publisher table.
For each entity set in the table below, give the primary key attribute(s) and the foreign key attribute(s) (if any).
Entity Set    Primary Key Attribute(s)    Foreign Key Attribute(s)

(Hint 1 – There may not be a foreign key attribute if the entity is not on the “M” side of a relationship)
(Hint 2 – One entity type in the above table is not shown in Figure 1.)
Question 4 Entity Relationship Diagram
Note: If you are going to use the Toolwire virtual desktop to access the Visio application, read the “Using Toolwire.docx” file in Doc Sharing. That document will explain how to prepare your computer to access the virtual desktop, how to save your work, and how to upload and download files from the virtual desktop.
Part A. Update the ERD from Question 2 to account for the M:N relationship between Book and Author. Start with the diagram in the “IT525_Unit2_Publisher_Q4A.vsd” file. See the “IT525.Unit2.Visio Tutorial” document in Doc Sharing.
Part B. The report form below shows the fields to identify the review of books by customers. Follow either the Top-Down Database Design or the Bottom-Up Database Design approach to extend the ERD from Question 2. Provide the new ERD. Include a 4–6 sentence paragraph describing how you chose the approach you used to extend the ERD and the process followed.